On a journey: East Berlin, Germany

On a journey: East Berlin, Germany

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I am writing mainly to clear out my head and organize some thoughts, but basically, it comes down to the following: I am not very happy right now. After sort of crashing last week, I've realized only today exactly why that is. I've been a bit too complacent with my life and have allowed some things to go on for longer than they should.
Firstly, I have 13 students, which, in itself, is too many for me at this point in my life. They are all great kids, however, and the parents are also wonderful...except one mother. I have decided that I refuse to teach this particular family, and after months of feeling like I had no choice/say/right to refuse, I'm calling my boss tomorrow to ask her if she can break the news to them. There is no need to go into details regarding the whole situation because the fact of the matter is that I will not teach someone who doesn't respect my position as the teacher of the studio, and I have already decided to give this family up.
Secondly, I am finished with trying to find some inner peace in this current apartment. Last year, I was really at odds with Sebastian because his lifestyle is just completely different than mine. This year, I think that we understand each other better and enjoy each others' company, but I am sort of finished with roommates for now. For example, he lost his keys and still hasn't made a copy of mine after more than a week of being here, and so I have to constantly be reachable so he can enter our flat. He also invited three other friends here tonight to play Risk, and after teaching for 6 hours today with a 10 minute break, seeing other people was simply the last thing I wanted, much less hearing them. My roommates are actually fine - more or less the same as normal roommates, no better and no worse. I just think that I've reached a point where I want to live alone. No more other people. Plus that, this apartment and the building itself is really a piece of shit. It's great that the rent is so cheap, but it's worth it to pay a bit more but have a much healthier situation...I mean, we have mold everywhere. Come mid-February, I'm outta here.
Thirdly, (and the most difficult thing to address) I am going to focus on my exam and be as positive as possible for it. The main priority right now should be the violin and preparation, not worrying about what to do with my life afterwards. Things will fall into place where they should.
I spoke about a lot of this with Mehmet Ali, and he is very supportive. We were also able to have a positive discussion about the last 10 days during which he was here, and what things worked/what didn't. It's good to be able to reassess your relationship in a healthy way with the other person - gives everyone a fresh slate.

Let's hope that these small adjustments add up to more space for personal growth and more positivity in general. I'm looking forward to everything.

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